Revolution For Puppies / Kittens 2.5kg or less (Mauva)



  • Treatment and lasting prevention of flea infestations in Dogs & Cats
  • Prevention of heartworm disease caused by Dirofilaria Immitis in Dogs & Cats
  • Treatment and prevention of ear mites(otodectes cynotis) in Dogs & Cats
  • Treatment and prevention of sarcoptic mange infection in Dogs
  • treatment and prevention of intestinal hookworms(Ancylostoma tubaeformae) and roundworms(Toxocara cati) in cats
  • Treatment and prevention of roundworms(Toxocara cati) in dogs
  • Control of tick infestation in Dogs
  • Treatment and prevention of ear mites(Psoroptes cuniculi),fur mites(Cheyletiella spp.) and sacoptic mange (Sarcoptes scabiei) in Rabbits


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  • Delivery: 3 working days
  • Free Delivery for orders over $60


Revolution contains selamectin, an active ingredient that protects against fleas and heartworms, treats and controls ear mites and sarcoptic mange, and controls tick infestations. This topical application works by penetrating the skin and entering your pet’s bloodstream, killing the parasites that ingest the blood and preventing flea eggs from hatching. Revolution should be administered only once a month, and it is safe for puppies as young as 6 weeks old. Do not use on sick, weak, or underweight dogs.

– For dogs and cats less than 2.5kg

– Protects your pet from heartworms, fleas, ticks, ear mites and other parasites

– Prevents flea eggs from hatching

– Fights both internal and surface parasitic infections.


– Apply Revolution once a month on the same day of each month year round.
– Use the entire contents of the tube. Do not split the contents since the dose and therefore the effectiveness of the product can be reduced.
– Part your pets hair at the base of the neck between the shoulder blades until you can see the skin, and place the tip of the tube on the skin.
– Apply the contents of the tube to a single spot on the skin at the base of the neck between the shoulder blades.


Topical spot on solution for dogs,cats and rabbit up to 2.5kg or less:

Active Ingredient

Three single-dose tubes each containing 0.25ml of 6% Selamectin(60mg/ml)

Additional information

Weight 0.042 kg
Dimensions 17.5 × 2 × 10.5 cm

140ml, 500ml


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